
von der Römischen Kaiserzeit bis zum Mittelalter

The programm is now available here.

Deadline for registration is the 17th of September. You will find the registration form here.

Tag der Stadtarchäologie in Amersfoort

International Conference 1st to the 2nd of October 2018 / New Deadline CfP: 15th of August 2018.

Workshop, 20.-22.3.2018 im Sydvestjyske Museer, Ribe (Dänemark)

17th – 20th September 2018

Call for Papers

Hafen-Session beim EAA Glasgow 2015

MERC – Stepping Stones in Super-Regional Networks. Landing Places within the Maritime Cultural Landscape (c. 550-1500 AD)



finden sich detaillierte Informationen zu der Session

"MERC - Stepping Stones in Super-Regional Networks. Landing Places within the Maritime Cultural Landscape (c. 550-1500 AD)",

welche unter der Organisation von

Dr. Sven Kalmring und Dr. Natascha Mehler


21. Annual meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists 

in Glasgow vom 02.-05. September stattfindet.

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