
from the Roman Period to the Middle Ages

Current work in the project

This schematic shows all measurement activities in the first phase of the SPP.

Messungen im Jahr 2016

Messungen vor der Hallig Südfall und in der Trendermarsch, Nordstrand, vom 05. - 23.09.2016

Magnetik im Watt und marine Seismik südwestlich der Hallig Südfall, sowie ein Testprofil im Watt mit dem amphibischen Streamer. 

Seismik in der Trendermarsch, Nordstrand.

Messungen in Puck (Polen), vom 06. - 18.06.2016

Marine Seismik im Westen der Danziger Bucht in Puck. 

Georadar in Łeba, Polen.

Messungen in Groß Strömkendorf, vom 09. - 13.05.2016

Marine Magnetik und Sidescan Sonar

Messungen in Ralswiek (Rügen), vom 25. - 29.04.2016

Elektrik, Georadar und Seismik

Messungen am Karlsgraben, vom 07. - 18.03.2016

Elektrik, Georader und Seismik am Karlsgraben (Treuchtlingen).

Messungen in Cuxhaven und Freiburg (Elbe), vom 15. - 26.02.2016

Elektrik, Georadar und Seismik in Holte-Spangen (Cuxhaven).

Elektrim, Georadar und EMI in Freiburg an der Elbe. 

Measurements in 2015

Measurements in Igaliku, Greenland, 3. - 14.7.2015

Marine reflection seismic and sidescan sonar in the Igaliku-fjord

Measurements in Puck, Poland, 1. - 5.6.2015

Marine reflection seismics

Measurements in 2014

We did several measurements in 2014 at different SPP-Locations:

  • Rostock-Dierkow (February): magnetics, seismics
  • Groothusen (February): seismics, EMI, susceptibility measurements
  • Kalkar (March): seismics, radar
  • Groß Strömkendorf (April): marine magnetics, marine reflection seismics
  • Bardy (May): seismics, radar
  • Grimersum (June): marine reflection seismics
  • Groß Strömkendorf (June/July): marine magnetics, marine reflection seismics
  • Island (July): radar
  • Karlsgraben (July): seismics, electrics
  • Ainos (October): magnetics, seismics

Messungen im Jahr 2013

Measurements in Ostia, Italy, 23.9. - 27.9.2013
  • Geoelectrics
  • Seismics
  • GPR
Measurements in Ainos, Turkey, 15.8. - 5.9.2013
  • Geomagnetics (Land/Water)
  • Seismics (Land/Water)
  • Geoelectrics
  • GPR
Measurements in Leiruvogur, Iceland, 12.7. - 28.7.2013
  • Geomagnetics
  • Seismics (Land/Water)
  • Geoelectrics
  • GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar)
  • EMI (Electromagnetic Induction)
Measurements on Föhr 22.-26.4.2013


  • Long seismic profiles starting in the settlement area in the direction of the river
  • 25 seismic profiles over a pithouse
  • geoelectrics and EMI on magnetic anomalies
  • GPR on an area and on long profiles


  • Geomagnetics
  • GPR on a magnetic anomaly
Seismic area
Measurements in Bonn and Königswinter 8.-12.4.2013
  • Marine seismic measurements on the Rhine using a rubber boat and a pinger as seismic source and hydrophones for recording
Measurements in Königswinter in front of the Drachenfels
Measurements in Ralswiek (Rügen) 25.-27.3.2013
  • Measurement of long profiles and an area with GPR
Measurements in Dierkow (Rostock) 21.-22.3.2013
  • Measurement of long profiles and an area with GPR
GPR measurements
Measurements in Woltersberg, Groothusen and at the Pipinsburg 26.2.-28.2.2013
  • Measurement of long seismic and geoelectric profiles
Geoelectrics at Pipinsburg
Seismics in Groothusen

Measurements in 2012

Measurements in Witsum/Föhr 5.11.-8.11.2012
  • Large-scale geomagnetic measurement
  • Seismic profile over a pithouse for methodological development
Geomagnetics in Witsum
Seismics on a pit house
Preliminary reconnaissance in Bonn 23.10.2012
  • Visitation of the locations in Bonn and Königswinter
  • Planning of the measurements in 2013
Measurements in Ainos/Turkey 31.8.-8.9.2012
  • Marine geomagnetic measurements in the western lagoon
  • Seismic profiles on land to detect the thickness of the mud layer close to the shore
  • Seismic profile on land searching for a wall
  • Punctual measurements of the water depth in both lagoons for planning the measurements in 2013
Lagoon with trimaran and GPS base station
Preliminary reconnaissance on Iceland 13.-16.8.2012
  • Visiting the measurement sites
  • Visiting excavations and exhibitions regarding the local archaeological background
  • Planning of the measurements in 2013
View over the measurement area
swampy gras land with rivers

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